The Winter Wedding Series Part 2

Welcome back to the Winter Wedding Cupcake Series!!
(inspired by my obsession with my winter wedding last year :))))

This part of the series will focus on bride and groom cupcakes and "i do" cupcakes. These are really fun because you can get creative with them and tailor them to your style.

Let's get started!

This classical style is very popular: the simple bride and groom

Now you may want to do something a little more personal to your own tastes.. maybe even something silly!

 penguins! from thecupcakeblog

PEEPS!!! from the sweetest baker

 LEGO bride and groom!!! from thecupcakeblog

UB Bulls??? from thecupcakeblog

Just a few ideas!! And don't forget that are some really super cute accessories and toppers at


I also tried to search for gay wedding cupcakes but all that came up were rainbows really.... so you'll just have to get creative! You can put two tuxes next to each other or two brides/gowns. Make it yours!!!

You can use any of these ideas as inspiration to create a one of a kind dessert at your wedding. There are a ton ton ton of wedding cupcake ideas out there!! Stay tuned for next week's "color themed" wedding cupcakes.
